It seems many American consumers are more interested now in life insurance than before the swine flu outbreak.
It only makes sense, people have a natural fear of dying, and if the chances increase as the result of a pandemic of swine flu, then it is normal for people to protect the ones they love with the financial security provided by life insurance.
Source: PRWeb
Online life insurance companies see sharp rise in site traffic as the H1N1 virus spreads throughout the United States.
'Online inquires for life insurance are up as individuals look to get their financial matters in order. Many people are concerned over the possible Swine Flu pandemic and are protecting themselves in any way they can,' says Larry Klein, Agency owner and Broker of Free Life Term Quote, an online insurance service.
The World Health Organization said Friday, 'Larger numbers of severely ill patients requiring intensive care are likely to be the most urgent burden on health services, creating pressures that could overwhelm intensive care units and possibly disrupt the provision of care for other diseases.' Read article.
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