Saturday, March 27, 2010

What kinds of life changes might cause you to buy life insurance?

What major life changes may create a need for buying life insurance protection?

Usually, a person may buy life insurance to provide financial security and protection for someone who relies on that person for financial support.

Among some of the most common life style changes that may create a need for life insurance are the following:

1. Getting married.

2. Buying a new home.

3. Having a baby.

4. Getting a promotion at work.

5. Starting a business.

Life insurance can help provide the money that can be invested to replace the income provided by the person who's life is insured.

Usually, the money from a life insurance policy goes to the beneficiary free from federal income tax and can be used for any reason.

Here's how you can learn how term life insurance works, and why it's the most popular type of life insurance, especially among young people, families, and those on a budget.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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