Saturday, April 3, 2010

How much life insurance should I carry?

How much life insurance do I really need, and how can I determine the right amount of life insurance for me?

The right amount of life insurance for you depends on your personal situation, and your goals you want to accomplish with your life insurance policy.

This means you need to take into consideration your current savings, your financial responsibilities, outstanding debt, and the people who rely on your for financial support.

Life insurance agents used to recommend their clients purchase 7-10 times their annual income to have enough money to leave to their family to replace their income, if invested wisely.

However, today there's a term life insurance calculator you can use that will give you an instant, accurate estimate of your life insurance needs.

You just answer some basic questions and the calculator let's you know what your life insurance needs are based on your current personal situation.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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