Thursday, April 8, 2010

Will life insurance exams test for marijuana?

I'm about to get life insurance and they want to do blood work and urinalysis.

I'm an occasional pot smoker and I'm not sure if I should be concerned about that or not.

I know there aren't any legal repercussions but my wife thinks they could deny me coverage and put me on some kind of list so I can't ever get life insurance.

I just want to know if I need to quit smoking pot and put the test off until I'm clean or if it's not a problem.

If you smoke marijuana you'll have to reveal that on the life insurance application, and yes, they'll test for marijuana either through blood work, urinalysis, or hair follicle.

If medical marijuana is legal in your area and you have a legal prescription, the life insurance company may accept you for coverage.

If you are declined due to testing positive for marijuana, it may be listed on a database of life insurance companies who share information on applicants. That means if you apply again for life insurance through another insurer, they may find out you were declined previously due to marijuana.

Another option is buying life insurance with no medical exam required. These plans offer up to $500,000 of life insurance with no physical, no blood test, and no urine test.

If you qualify for a no exam life insurance policy you can even start your life insurance coverage the same day.

However, you should always answer all questions truthfully on the life insurance application.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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