Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Will Insurers Comply with New Health Care Law?

Source: CNN

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama won a key concession from the health insurance industry Tuesday as the main lobby group said providers would comply with new regulations that will prevent the denial of coverage for children due to pre-existing conditions.

The provision involving coverage for kids takes effect on September 23, six months after Obama signed the bill into law. read entire article

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Do life insurance companies in nj test for thc/marijuana?

My girlfriend has a life insurance medical exam tomorrow and they are doing a urine test. Do they test for thc?

We live in new jersey and she told the insurance company already that she does not smoke.

Yes, the urine test will check for thc, marijuana, nicotine, and illegal drugs, etc.

If the urine test is positive for thc, she will probably be denied life insurance and the results will be in the database of insurers when she applies for life insurance with another insurance company.

Make sure you always answer all questions honestly when applying for life insurance so the insurance company does not have reason to decline a claim against your life insurance policy.

There are life insurance plans that do not require any medical exam, blood or urine testing.

In fact, you may qualify for up to $500,000 of term life insurance no exam required, just a few health questions. if you qualify, you may start your life insurance policy today.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dave Ramsey on Life Insurance

Source: The Dave Ramsey Show and Fox News

Are you looking for life insurance?

Wondering what type of life insurance can meet your needs and fit your budget?

If so, here's an interesting video from Dave Ramsey explaining why term life insurance may be a good idea for your life insurance needs.

To learn about term life insurance and how it can help to meet your life insurance needs please read this article on how term life insurance works.

If you are ready to start comparing prices and plans for term insurance, please request your free, instant term life insurance quotes online now to get the lowest prices from over 70 top-rated life insurance companies.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Where to shop for small life insurance policy?

I have a son in college whose private loans I cosigned for.

I need a small life insurance policy to cover the loan amounts of around $50,000 in the event something unforeseen happens to him before he's had a chance to repay the loans.

Can someone suggest a company that will sell policies with smaller life insurance coverage amounts

Usually, many of the life insurance quote providers online will be geared toward term life insurance plans with a minimum amount of life insurance from $100,000 or more.

You may want to compare term life insurance quotes online for 10, 15, 20, and 30 years of coverage for the minimum amount of life insurance offered.

In addition, you can consider smaller life insurance plans from companies like Globe Life Insurance, Gerber, and Mutual of Omaha. However, when comparing rates from these carriers you may find it more affordable to go with a higher amount of life insurance from the others carriers you got quotes from above.

Usually, the smaller life insurance plans do not require a medical exam, but they may charge a higher premium as a result.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Life Insurance for a Single Person?

I am single. Do I need life insurance?

Single people often think they don't need life insurance, and in many cases, they are right.

However, there are many factors that determine your need for life insurance. Your marital status is just one of those factors determining your life insurance needs.

What you need to consider is if you died tomorrow, would you leave enough money behind to pay for your funeral expenses? If not, who would be responsible for paying those costs?

For many families, even a relatively simple funeral can create a major financial burden. Especially since the average cost of a funeral may cost up to $6,700 or more.

For this reason alone, you might consider purchasing a small life insurance policy, or even a simple burial insurance policy which could provide the money necessary to pay for all final expenses, including your burial, funeral, memorial service, tombstone, and other related costs.

In addition, many single people choose to buy life insurance while they are young and can lock-in a low rate for their policy, before the get older and their health may change.

Also, your responsibilities may change as your get older, you may buy a home, get married, and have children. That's why planning ahead and securing life insurance protection for your future goals may be a good idea.

Here's how to learn how term life insurance works and compare rates and plans online with no obligation, and no hassles.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Finding The Best Affordable Term Life Insurance Plan

How can I find the best term life insurance at the most affordable rates?

If you want term life insurance at affordable rates, make sure you consider:

1. How many years do you need coverage? 10, 15, 20, or 30 years?

2. How much term life insurance do you need?

3. How much can you afford to pay for your life insurance?

Then, in order to find the lowest rates from top-rated insurers, you can compare online term life insurance quotes which provide you with up to 12 of the lowest quotes from over 70 leading life insurers.

When choosing your plan for life insurance consider:

1. The lowest quotes offers.

2. The insurers with the highest financial strength ratings.

Your online life insurance quotes will usually provide side-by-side quote comparisons of life insurance premiums, carriers, financial ratings, and your premium payment options.

You want to consider the financial ratings of the insurers because it's an indication of the insurer's ability to meet their financial obligations, and pay their claims - so the higher the rating, the more financially secure the insurer is considered to be.

Here's how to get your best affordable term life insurance quotes comparisons online.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

What kinds of life changes might cause you to buy life insurance?

What major life changes may create a need for buying life insurance protection?

Usually, a person may buy life insurance to provide financial security and protection for someone who relies on that person for financial support.

Among some of the most common life style changes that may create a need for life insurance are the following:

1. Getting married.

2. Buying a new home.

3. Having a baby.

4. Getting a promotion at work.

5. Starting a business.

Life insurance can help provide the money that can be invested to replace the income provided by the person who's life is insured.

Usually, the money from a life insurance policy goes to the beneficiary free from federal income tax and can be used for any reason.

Here's how you can learn how term life insurance works, and why it's the most popular type of life insurance, especially among young people, families, and those on a budget.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Cancer and Cancer Survivors

Are you a cancer survivor? Do you have cancer?

If so, you may want to look into the Cancer Treatment Centers of America and learn how you can fight cancer.

Please Watch a News Clip and Find Out How CTCA Can Help You Fight Your Cancer:

If you have survived cancer you may want to consider protecting your family.

Life insurance for cancer survivors may help to provide financial security for the future of your loved ones.

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What is the differences between term insurance and permanent insurance?

What is the difference between a term life insurance policy and a permanent life insurance policy?

To start, term insurance provides temporary life insurance coverage.

Term life plans are available for a term, or period of time, of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

Term life insurance builds no cash value inside the policy, it is not an investment.

Term life insurance usually costs a lot less than permanent insurance.

Permanent life insurance provides lifetime coverage as long as you pay your premiums. It may build cash value inside the policy which is one reason it costs more than term insurance.

many young families, home owners, and people on a budget choose term life insurance because it offers a lot more life insurance at a lower price.

Here's how to learn more about term life insurance vs permanent life insurance and find out which type of life insurance may be right for you.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Diabetes Explained

Here’s a overview of diabetes to help you learn how it works and what to look for if you believe you may have diabetes.

The video below also explains the care and treatment of diabetes and how you may manage your diabetes.

Many adults living with diabetes find it difficult to get life insurance to protect their family's financial security.

Now, you can learn about life insurance for diabetes and find out how you can compare rates and plans for people living with diabetes.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Life Insurance on My Husband?

Can I take out life insurance on my husband just to protect myself if something happens he has life insurance?

In order to buy life insurance on another person;s life there must exist insurable interest between you and that person. Insurable interest exists between spouses, parents and children, business partners, and siblings.

Since you are married to your husband, insurable interest does exist between the two of you.

Your husband must consent to having life insurance and must sign the life insurance application.

While you are thinking about yourself, you should think about him as well. What would happen if you die? Would he be financially secure and able to pay the bills?

If both of you are thinking about getting life insurance, you should get one policy instead of two policies. All you have to do is add a spouse rider. If the insurance company doesn't allow it, then find another company that does. By combining coverage, the cost per thousand coverage decreases.

However, you may want your own separate life insurance policies in case your life insurance needs are different.

Here's how you can compare life insurance quotes online and find low cost coverage for you and your husband.

or, you have the option of buying term life insurance no exam required. With this plan you can buy up to $500,000 of term life insurance coverage without any physical exam required, just a few health questions. you can even apply online in minutes and start your life insurance today, if you qualify. You can apply online for life insurance policies for you and your husband.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is Globe Life insurance good for paying out for burial expenses?

My Mom is 76 years old and is concerned that when she passes away there won't be enough money to pay for her funeral expenses and wonders if she signs up for Globe Life Insurance if it would help pay out for her final expenses.

Under Globe Life's guaranteed issue program, your mother may have to live for 2 years before full coverage is provided by the life insurance policy.

Make sure your mom reads the life insurance policy and the small print.

Will Globe Life they pay out a valid claim? Yes.

Will they pay out if mom passes away six months into the life insurance policy? No, but that's not a valid claim. Make sure you review the exclusions and the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy to understand exactly how the life insurance pays out.

Globe Life is currently rated A+ X by AM Best Company, which is an independent financial rating service.

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company is a solid, financially strong company.

Here's how you can get a quote for Globe Life Insurance and apply online for up to $30,000 of simplified life insurance with no medical exam required for people age 78 and under.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Monday, March 22, 2010

What is the Average Guaranteed Level Term Premium for $250,000 of Life Insurance?

What is the average 30 year GLT Premium for $250,000 of life insurance coverage for a standard, non-smoker?

I had a couple life insurance quotes (working direct with a financial advisor that represents a particular insurance company) and I feel like these rates are high.

Here is what I was quoted for my life insurance:

30 year GLT Premium for $250K -
30 year old male = $584
28 year old female = $460

How can I find a local financial representative that represents multiple companies?

One way to find local licensed life insurance agents with access to a number of carriers is to look for independent agents in your area.

Or, you could request free, instant term life insurance quotes online and compare the lowest rates from over 70 leading life insurers for savings up to 75% on your 30 year level term life insurance policy.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do Single People Need Life Insurance?

I am single. Do I need life insurance?

Single people often think they don't need life insurance, and in many cases, they are right.

However, there are many factors that determine your need for life insurance, including marital status and number of dependents.

Many people choose to buy life insurance to provide money for;

1. Paying their final expenses and funeral.

2. Paying off their outstanding debt.

3. Their surviving family members.

4. A favorite charity.

5. To pay off the home mortgage.

In addition, it may be wise to consider buying life insurance while you are young, healthy, and single so you can lock-in a low rate for your life insurance policy, since rates increase with age.

As time passes you may get married, buy a home, have children, and your responsibilities will increase. That's why planning ahead may be a good idea, especially since you may not qualify for life insurance if you develop a health problem in the future.

Here's how you can learn about how term life insurance works and request your instant term life insurance quotes online to compare rates and plans from several top-rated insurance carriers.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Life insurance for seniors over 75yrs?

Is there a life insurance company out there that provides life insurance for a Senior over age 75 and has had and removed cancer in the past 12 months?

There may be a chance that a life insurance company offers life insurance for cancer survivors.

There are some life insurance companies that will issue a "guaranteed issue" low value life insurance policy.

Globe Life Insurance and Mutual of Omaha are two insurers offering this type of life insurance plan.

Globe Life offers people age 78 and under up to $30,000 of simplified life insurance with no medical exam required.

Of course, the policy has to be in force at least two years, before the insured dies, before they'll pay out the full amount of coverage.

The guaranteed issue life insurance plans usually offer a limited amount of life insurance coverage and the rates may be high. That's why you might want to compare life insurance quotes from several life insurers to find out which company may offer affordable life insurance.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Life Insurance for Young Family?

My husband and I are in out mid 20's with a little boy.

We want to buy life insurance due to having a child, just in case anything was ever to happen.

We cant figure out if Whole or Term insurance is the best choice for our age.

I like to idea of the whole life due to it building cash value over a long term period and after 20 years or so of paying it would be nice to borrow money if need for our son's college or a emergency, and we currently have a Gerber college fund for our son.

The only thing that scares me of the whole life is the fees. Term I understand is for a certain time 20, 30 years then it expires. I don't like the idea of paying insurance for 30 years and having not cash value.

Our debt is very low so there would not be tons to pay off or be concerned if something happened. I'm more worried about just making sure my child will be alright if something happened.

At your age, term life insurance costs much less than whole life insurance.

If you buy a term life policy and put the rest of the money that whole life would cost into the bank, and keep doing that for 20 years, then will you have enough in the bank to pay (not borrow) the money for college? Or, you could invest that money in a mutual fund to grow over time and provide money for your child's college tuition.

With a whole life plan you may be able to borrow money from the policy in the future, but you have to pay back that money plus interest into the life insurance policy. It is a loan from the policy.

How is paying a lot of money to have a little cash value in an insurance policy better than paying less money and having more cash value in a bank account?

And, if you do pass away before your term life plan expires, your family would have much more in proceeds that if you had bought whole life insurance.

Here's how you can compare low cost term life insurance quotes from over 70 leading life insurers with no obligation. It only takes a couple of minutes to receive your quote comparisons, and there's no need to meet with an agent.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Life Insurance for My Grand Child?

Can I buy a life insurance policy for my grand child? if so, what companies offer grand child life insurance plans?

Yes, if you are the grand parent, you may purchase life insurance for your grand child.

Parents and grand parents have an insurable interest in their children, and/or grand children.

There are many insurance companies offering child and grand child life insurance plans, including Prudential, Gerber Life, and Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company.

Most grand child life insurance plans offer a low limit of coverage and low rates. In addition, there's usually no medical exam required to buy a policy.

Grand child life insurance plans may build cash value inside the policy, and allow the insured to increase the amount of life insurance coverage when they reach adulthood.

Here's how to learn more about grand child life insurance policies and request a quote.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What conditions are needed to establish insurable interest?

What is insurable interest and how does it work?

Insurable interest is the expectation of a monetary loss that can be covered by insurance.

In a life insurance policy the person must expect a financial loss as a result of the insured person passing away.

For example, an insurable interest exists between spouses, siblings, parents and their children, and business partners.

An insurable interest must exist at the time the life insurance policy is issued, but is not necessary at the time of loss.

For instance, you could be married to someone and buy a life insurance policy on that person, then get divorced, keep the life insurance, the person you divorced dies, and you would get the proceeds from the life insurance policy, subject to the terms and exclusions in the life insurance contract.

Here's how to learn more about insurable interest.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why would someone in their 40s need life insurance more then someone in their 70s?

If you are in your 40's you may have different life insurance needs than someone who is in their 70's.

People in their 40's may have more financial responsibilities, such as, young children at home, own a house with a mortgage, and have less savings than someone in their 70's.

While a person in their 70's may have their home mortgage paid off, their kids grown and on their own, and have more money saved to pay for their final expenses.

That's why it's good idea to understand your financial situation and goals you want to accomplish with your life insurance policy before purchasing life insurance.

One way to find out what your life insurance need are is to use a life insurance calculator that asks you a few simple questions and quickly gives you an instant, accurate estimate of your life insurance needs.

In addition, you can compare life insurance quotes online from several insurers at once to help you find low cost coverage from a highly-rated insurance company.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Comparing Quotations for Mortgage Life Insurance

Can I compare quotes online for mortgage life insurance?

Yes, there's several websites that offer life insurance quotes to help you protect your home mortgage.

In fact, many consumers use level term life insurance with a term of 30 years to help them protect their mortgage.

Mortgage term life insurance offers you guaranteed level rates and coverage for up to 30 years.

That makes it easy for you to budget your finances, and provides safety and security for your family to stay in the home they shared with you should you pass away.

Mortgage term life plans offer easy, affordable life insurance protection that can be used for any reason, including paying off your outstanding mortgage loan.

Here's how you can compare quotations for mortgage life insurance and learn more about plans that can help you protect your mortgage, and your family.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Typical Premium for 30 year $250K Level Term Life Insurance?

What are some typical premiums for a 30 year $250,000 Level Term Life Insurance policy?

Any ideas for a 30 year old male and female (listed separately) at the standard health rate?

It depends on the life insurance companies. Rates are determined based on your health and physical factors, age, and total coverage.

Factors affecting your rate for life insurance may also include your age, gender, health, family health history, occupation, hobbies, driving record, if you smoke or not, your height-to-weight ratio, etc.

Here are samples of the 4 different rate classes for a 30 year old person for a 30 year level term life insurance policy offering $250,000 of coverage:

Preferred Plus: $221/year
Preferred: $269.50/year
Non-Tobacco User: $409.50/year
Tobacco User: $595.50/year

One way to compare the lowest rates for level term life insurance is to request instant term life insurance quotes online. That way you receive up to 12 of the lowest rates for term life insurance from over 70 leading insurance companies.

It only takes a few minutes to fill out a quote request form and receive your free, no obligation life insurance quote comparisons on the internet.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can I get life insurance on my boyfriend?

Yes, with your boyfriend's consent and cooperation you may be able to buy a life insurance policy on his life.

Life insurance needs to have insurable interest between two people for one person to buy a life insurance policy on another person.

Therefore if you can show that a financial impact would be made upon you if he died, there is a better chance of you being able to buy life insurance on him.

Do you live together? Do you share the same bills? Are you engaged or planning on being engaged soon? These are things that would help you to answer the question.

Insurable Interest is a right or relationship with regard to the subject matter of an insurance contract such that the insured will suffer financial loss from damage, loss, or destruction to that subject matter.

Usually, insurable interest exists between spouses, parents and their children, siblings, and business partners. However, if you rely on your boyfriend for some form of financial support, and/or expect to be married one day, you may be able to buy life insurance on your boyfriend.

You may want to contact a licensed life insurance agent or insurance company and ask them for a response to this question, or you could find out by applying for the life insurance with the consent and cooperation of your boyfriend.

Depending on the insurer and amount of life insurance, he may need to take a medical exam, answer some health questions, and sign for the life insurance policy.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Is a Medical Exam for Life Insurance Required?

I I want to buy a life insurance policy do i have to take a medical exam in order to qualify for coverage?

Usually, a life insurance company will require the applicant for coverage to take a medical exam if you are requesting $100,000 of more of life insurance.

However, that depends on the insurance carrier, your age and health.

The medical exam for life insurance may consist of a paramedical exam at your home, asking you health questions and questions about your family's health history. In addition, they may take your blood pressure, and take blood and urine samples for testing.

The testing may check for illegal drugs, STD's, prescription drugs, protein levels, marijuana, cocaine, diabetes, and other health issues.

If you don't want to take a medical exam there are other options.

Some life insurance companies understand that there are consumers who dislike needles or blood work, or don't have time for a physical exam, or just need life insurance today.

So, in order to be competitive and give consumers what they want, there's now life insurance without any physical exam required.

In fact, you may qualify for up to $500,000 of term life insurance with no exam required, just a few health questions. You can get a quote, apply online, and usually find out within 15 minutes of you qualify. Once approved, you can start your life insurance the same day.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Getting life insurance can seem so complicated?

I'm 31 and have one child and don't really have a good clue about life insurance.

I do have an active life insurance policy for the two of us (2 policies actually) each for $10,000 and one for $25,000.

Is this enough? Do I need to drop one? Just doesn't seem to make sense to keep both of them. Or does it?

The amount of life insurance coverage and policies you own depends on your life insurance needs, and your own personal situation.

What do you want the life insurance to accomplish? Do you want to provide money for your son that would replace your income if you die, and provide money to support your son and send him to college?

To simplify things, first define what you want your life insurance to do for you.

Once you know that, you can say, is this enough money to accomplish the goal? Is there a more cost effective way to reach the goal, than life insurance?

You can use a life insurance calculator to find out how much life insurance you really need. You answer some basic questions and it gives you an accurate estimate of your life insurance needs.

In addition, term life insurance provides the lowest priced coverage. You may want to protect your son with 20 or 30 year level term life insurance which has guaranteed level rates and coverage for the entire term of your life insurance policy. That way, your son has the protection he needs until he is grown up, and you get the best price.

Here's how you can get free, instant term life insurance quotes and compare up to 12 of the lowest rates from over 70 leading life insurers in just minutes.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Besides price, what are things I should consider when purchasing life insurance?

I want to purchase life insurance probably $50,000 to $100,000 of coverage.

I want to make sure my son is well off if something were to happen to me. I am in my low 30's and healthy.

When shopping for life insurance you want to consider what type of life insurance you need, how much life insurance to buy, what you can afford to pay, and how many years you need life insurance.

If you have a son, you may want life insurance for 20 to 30 years, so your son would have money to go to college, and replace your income if you were to die.

Your first question should be what do I want the policy to do if it were to pay out?
Another question is do you want to take a medical exam or not. Today there are life insurers that offer term life insurance no medical exam required, just a few health questions. In fact, if you qualify, you may start your life insurance today and your son would be protected.

You can compare instant term life insurance quotes online from over 70 leading life insurers in just minutes to help you find quality life insurance protection at affordable rates to fit your budget.

When comparing plans consider the premiums quoted, the type and amount of life insurance offered, and the financial rating of the insurance company.

The financial rating is provided with your quotes usually, and it is an indication of the insurer's ability to meet their financial obligations - pay their claims.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life Insurance - What is the difference between guaranteed issue and graded benefits?

What is the difference between guaranteed issue life insurance and graded benefits life insurance plans?

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance offers you a limited amount of life insurance protection without any health exam. Basically, if you are within a certain age range, you may be guaranteed approval for a life insurance policy.

A graded benefits life insurance plan provides a small amount of life insurance that is fully available after you own the policy for 1-2 years, depending on the specific life insurance plan. If you were to pass away before the first 1-2 years, your beneficiary would receive less than the full amount of life insurance.

A guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy will usually provide graded benefits for the first 1-2 years you own the plan.

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Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Monday, March 8, 2010

How to Start Globe Life Insurance Now?

How can I start a Globe Life Insurance policy now?

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company, which was established in 1951, and is rated "A+" Superior by AM Best for financial strength, offers adults and children life insurance plans you can apply for on the internet.

Globe Life offers adults age 78 and under the chance to get a quote, apply online, and request life insurance protection from a highly-rated, financially secure life insurance company.

Globe life offers up to $30,000 of simplified life insurance with no physical exam required, just a few health questions.

You can compare rates for a policy online and apply for your coverage in minutes.

Globe life also provides a 30 day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your life insurance policy.

Here's how to start Globe now and begin the process of buying your life insurance policy from Globe Life.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

20 year level term is the premium locked in?

When you buy a 20 year level term policy, is your premium guaranteed to stay the same each year?

Yes, that's what a 20 year level term policy means.

With a 20 year level term insurance plan your life insurance premiums and coverage remain the same each year for the entire 20 year term of your policy.

If you outlive the 20 year term, your life insurance coverage expires, unless you have the option to renew your policy, which you pay more for when you initially buy your life insurance plan.

Can my term life insurance rates go up? Yes, your term life rates can go up after your 20 year term has ended. Then, you apply for another life insurance policy, and your rates may be based on your age and health at that time.

here's how you can compare 20 year term life insurance rates and plans online.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Compare Online Quotes for Life Insurance

How do I compare online quotes for life insurance?

Who offers online quotes for life insurance and what do i have to do to get them?

To compare life insurance quotes online you need to do the following:

1. Find a quality life insurance quote provider with access to a network of leading insurers.

2. Fill out a quote request form answering some basic questions.

3. The you receive your life insurance rate comparisons showing you several quotes for life insurance from multiple insurance companies.

You can choose a quote and request an application for a life insurance policy.

Or, if you have questions you can ask for assistance via email, or over the phone.

Before buying your life insurance consider term life insurance which provides coverage for up to 30 years, since it usually costs a lot less than permanent life insurance.

Also, consider how much life insurance you need, for how many years, and what you can afford to pay for your life insurance policy.

Compare free, instant term life insurance quotes and find an affordable plan to protect your family.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

How can you save money on life insurance?

What are some tips to help you save money on your life insurance policy?

When shopping for life insurance it's a good idea to understand what your goal is, what you are trying to accomplish with your life insurance policy?

Then, consider how long you need life insurance - for how many years, what you can afford to pay, and how much life insurance you need?

To save money on your life insurance policy, consider these tips:

1. Compare rates from several companies since pricing varies by life insurer.

2. Compare rates for term life insurance since it usually costs less than permanent life insurance.

3. If you smoke, quit smoking, rates for smokers a usually much higher than non-smokers.

4. If you are overweight, go on a diet and start exercising, since rates are higher for people who are overweight, or obese.

5. Don't buy more life insurance than you need, or can afford.

Here's how you can request your free, instant term life insurance quotes online and compare the lowest prices for life insurance from over 70 top-rated carriers in minutes.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

What is Return Premium Term Life Insurance?

What is return premium term life insurance and how can i get my money back after the life insurance coverage ends?

Return premium term insurance is a temporary life insurance policy providing coverage for a set number of years, usually 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

How it works is you pay a premium each year for a certain amount of life insurance, for a specific number of years.

If you are alive after your life insurance term expires, you would receive a portion of your premiums back. The insurance company keeps some of your premiums they charged as fees for maintaining your policy.

However, return of premium life insurance usually costs a lot more than regular term life insurance since you may get the money back.

Learn more about return premium term life insurance and how you can request your free life insurance quote comparisons online.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What is the average 10k - 15k life insurance premium?

What would it cost for $10,000 to $15,000 of life insurance on average?

There is no average price for life insurance for everyone.

The premium you pay for a life insurance policy depends on many personal factors, including your age, gender, health, family health history, driving record, occupation, hobbies, height-to-weight ratio, among other things.

Here's an article that reviews the average cost of term life insurance.

In addition, there are many different types of life insurance and the rates vary by type, amount, and the insurance company.

However, term life insurance usually costs a lot less than permanent life insurance.

In addition, there are no exam life insurance plans and guaranteed issue life insurance policies which usually cost more than life insurance plans requiring a medical exam.

However, at only $10K to 415K of coverage, you are usually not required to take any medical exam to qualify.

Here's how you can compare term life insurance quotes online from over 70 top-rated insurers. You fill out one form and receive up to 12 of the lowest rate quotes instantly for easy side-by-side comparisons.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can my mom get life insurance on my kids without my knowledge?

My mom and I don't get along, and now she is asking for my children's social security numbers so she can buy life insurance on them.

Is she able to take out a life insurance policy on my kids without my signature or something saying I have agreed to it?

In order to buy life insurance on another person there must exist an insurable interest.

An insurable interest does exist between spouses, parents and their children/grandchildren, siblings, and business partners.

The grandmother of your children would probably be able to take out a life insurance policy on your children since she is the grandparent. However, she would have to pay the premiums.

If she does, you may want to advise your children when they reach age 18 that they should ask for ownership of the life insurance policies from their grandmother.

Here's how you can learn more about life insurance for children.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Can a person hold more than one accidental death insurance?

Is it possible to buy more than one accidental death insurance policy?

Yes, it may be possible for you to own more than 1 accident death insurance plan.

Usually, when you are applying for an accidental death insurance policy the application will ask if you already own any other life insurance or accident death insurance plans, and if so, how many and for what amount of coverage.

The insurance companies usually ask this question on the application to make sure you are not over-insured.

Most accident death insurance plans offer up to $250,000 of coverage, but some plans do go as high as $1,000,000 or more.

Here's how you can get an accidental death insurance quote online and learn more about the coverage.

You can even apply for a policy over the internet. There's no medical exam required and no health questions to answer.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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