Monday, February 22, 2010

How long does tobacco show up on a life insurance exam?

I'm getting life insurance and I have to take a medical exam that checks for tobacco in your system.

I am not a regular smoker but I did have a few cigars last week. I would hate to have to pay a smokers rate because I had a few cigars at a poker game.

If you show up positive for tobacco in your shstem, you may be rated as a smoker by the life insurance company.

It depends on the type of nicotine testing used to detect tobacco usage. Nicotine testing for life insurance may take a few different forms.

If it's a typical blood test, any residues of cotinine should be gone in about ten days.

If the 'hair follicle' test is used, evidence of cotinine may remain in your hair until it is cut off.

Here's an article explaining Insurance Nicotine Testing and what to consider. In addition, there's information about life insurance with no exam required.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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