You may have a few options available to you when it comes to the purchase of no exam life insurance.
In fact, many life insurance do not require any medical exam unless you are requesting $100,000 or more of life insurance.
However, this depends on your age and health.
In addition, there are several life insurers now willing to offer no exam life insurance plans of $25,000 up to $500,000 of coverage.
The amount available may depend on your age, health, if you smoke, family health history, occupation, hobbies, etc.
Some insurers like Globe life offer up to $30,000 of simplified life insurance without an exam, whereas, RBC insurance offers up to $250,000 of term life insurance with no medical, just a few health questions.
Learn more about life insurance no medical exam plans and how they compare.
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.