Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life Insurance and Drug Use

Can you get life insurance with past drug use?

Usually, someone who is taking illegal drugs may not be able to qualify for life insurance coverage.

There are certain life insurers who insure people taking medical marijuana.

Each life insurance company has their own set of underwriting guidelines as to what they will consider an acceptable risk.

That means, the insurance company may take several factors into consideration when reviewing your application for life insurance, such as:

1. What type of illegal drugs did you take?

2. How long ago were you taking the drugs?

3. How much and how often did you take the drugs?

4. How long have you been drug-free?

5. Did you go through a professional Drug Rehabilitation program?

6. When did you go to rehab, where did you go, and did you complete the program?

7. Have you had any drug relapses (taken drugs) since you finished rehab?

Also, the insurance company may ask about any arrests or legal problems resulting from your drug-use.

Depending on your answers, and the insurance company guidelines, you may be able to qualify for life insurance; however, it may be costly, and the amount of life insurance may be limited.

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