Thursday, November 12, 2009

Life Insurance and H1N1 Flu

Are Life Insurance companies wary of the H1N1 flu pandemic?

Source: Ottawa Sun

If you’ve come down with the swine flu in recent weeks and you’re thinking about getting some life insurance, you might have to wait a while.

Some insurance companies are reluctant to provide policies to anyone who’s wheezing or coughing from what could be the H1N1 flu virus, at least not at standard rates and not while you’re still sick.

One local broker says while there hasn’t been any specific directive within his company regarding the pandemic, a person seeking a life insurance policy would have to answer a lot of medical questions. Disclosing the fact you have been treated for the H1N1 virus could send up some red flags. Read entire article.

There are many unknowns about the potential for death surrounding the H1N1 virus and the shots/treatment availability for the near term. That makes it hard to determine the potential to affect the life expectancy of an applicant for life insurance who may have the H1N1 virus.

That's why it may be best to compare free term life insurance quotes online today and apply for coverage while you and your family are healthy and safe.

NEW! Here’s How to Buy up to $500,000 of Term Life
Insurance without any Medical Exam,
Just a Few Health Questions.

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